Dil Pe Lage Woh Zakhm Pia novel by Samreen Shahid Episode 3-7

Name   : Dil Pe Lage Woh Zakhm Pia novel

Writer     : Samreen Shahid

Status    :    Episode 3-7

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A story based on a fact that doubt ، uncertainty and lack of trust not only weakens the humans relationship but also the gives deep scars on heart for rest of the life. Those who deprive  orphans  from their rights and wealth (money) surely deserve punishment.
But all people are not the same. Some are the most humble creatures of Allah who bring anyone towards life by their Love and care.
is social romantic,famous urdu novel.
It is published only on Kitab Nagri.
Samreen Shahid is a famous social media writer.

Samreen Shahid is a versatile writer and it’s her new novel which
is being written for kitabnagri.
She is very famous for her unique writing style.

She chooses a variety of topics to write about.
She has written many stories and has large number of
fans waiting for her novels.
Dil Pe Lage Woh Zakhm Pia novel by Samreen Shahid Episode 3-7 is available here to download
in pdf form and online reading.
Click on the link given below to Free download Pdf

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