Badle Ga Naseeb Mera novel by Samreen Shahid Episode 10-11

name   :  Badle Ga Naseeb Mera novel

writer     :  Samreen Shahid
status    :   Episode 10-11

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is social romantic,famous urdu novel.
It is published only on Kitab Nagri.
Samreen Shahid is a famous social media writer.

Samreen Shahid is a versatile writer and it’s her new novel which
is being written for kitabnagri.
She is very famous for her unique writing style.

She chooses a variety of topics to write about.
She has written many stories and has large number of
fans waiting for her novels.
This is a story that reflects the different aspects of our society, where rich aren’t presented at court of law although have committed big crimes,and if presented at court so they are bailed very soon, whereas middle class and lower class people are suffering from unjustified and disappointment from the doors of law. To reduce this increasing injustice and disorders of our society people of different departments are struggling to disclose this fact. And they are keep on struggling but their lives are not still secure.
Badle Ga Naseeb Mera novel is available here to download
in pdf form and online reading.
Click on the link given below to Free download Pdf

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